Sunday, 15 March 2015

Call for Blog Columnists & Editors

Rethinking Economics is looking for new blog columnists and editors! Apply by 28th March.

Rethinking Economics is a young network of students and citizens. We have come together to call for a better, pluralist, more diverse economics.

Our blog is an important way of talking to those around us, and so we are looking for a new, active group of writers and editors. Our blog fulfils two main purposes:

- News: to write, edit and communicate news, events and stories from our local groups around the world, to a wider audience.
- Opinion: to write, edit and communicate book reviews, opinion pieces on different schools of economics, and analysis of economic news from a pluralist perspective.

Therefore, we are looking for the following:
- Blog editors, to review and edit articles written by members of the general public, as well as other members of Rethinking Economics, and to sharpen the style and content of submissions; to adjudicate between good and bad submissions, based on an editorial policy which will be developed by the editors in line with our organising aims & values;

- Blog writers, to write news pieces and opinion pieces, based on news from Rethinking Economics’s own projects and local groups, or from current events, and conferences that you will be given access to via Rethinking Economics; to write for regular columns, such as “Meet the Rethinkers” (interviews with our current organisers and supporters).

You may apply for one or both roles.

To apply, please email with:
- a brief email explaining why you’d like to be an editor
- attach a max. 300 word piece on EITHER an area of RE’s work or vision that you think is under-communicated; OR an opinion piece on news that you believe RE ought to write on.
- attach a brief bio (a CV is fine, nothing too fancy)
- include a brief statement of how much time you will be able to dedicate regularly per week.

- Specify what time zone you’re in and what times work for a Skype call - we’ll arrange to have a chat with you in the week of Mon 30 March - Sun 5 April.